Target Self-Watering Planters from $2.40 | No Green-Thumb Needed!

16 hours ago 1

The Target self-watering planters make plant care easy!

self watering planter with plant in it hanging on door

For a limited time, zoom to where they are offering 20% off select Self-Watering Planters!

Don’t forget, Target Circle Card holders get an extra 5% off and score free shipping on qualifying orders!

Check out the deals we came across…

Room Essentials 8" Self-Watering Indoor/Outdoor Planters on shelf in store

Hand holding a black planter next to a brick wall

Room Essentials Indoor/Outdoor Half-Circle Self-Watering Wall Planters 2-Pack – 2 colors
Just $9.60 (reg. $12) – just $4.80 each!

two 16" self watering planters at target

Self Watering window box planter

What are self-watering planters, and how do they work?

inside of a self watering planter

I wasn’t exactly sure how the Target planters worked, so I did a little research before purchasing. I learned that they aim to deliver water directly to the roots of the plant using a sub-irrigation system.

The planters come with a shallow water basin, or reservoir, at the bottom of the planter. Here is where you can refill the water or drain it if needed. This means the gardener no longer has to guess how much or when to water the plants.

Instead, the roots of the plant will drink from the reservoir, either directly or via the soil, whenever it needs nutrients. This process is called “capillary action” or “wicking.” It’s like how a sponge soaks up water. Pretty cool, right?! 🤓

So, how does one use these self-watering planters?

target self watering planter box filled with succulents placed on a windowsil

This may be common knowledge for some, but for a newbie like me, it was not. I wished the planters had come with some basic instructions or tips for success. Since they didn’t, I browsed the Target Q&A section for helpful hints.

I followed Target expert John’s advice on how to re-pot my plants and keep the water refreshed. My husband, an avid gardener, agreed that this was a good approach. 👏

To get started, John advises:

“Self-watering planters are a great help if you don’t exactly have a green thumb. Set up the planter the same way as a typical planter. Water the soil thoroughly from the top the first time, and keep the reservoir filled via the port at the bottom. The roots will absorb water from the soil as needed.” 

room essentials self watering planters at target

My plants, a golden pothos and a snake plant, took to their new pots well, and the soil stayed wet for close to a week and a half. At that point, I used a watering can to pour additional water into the hole that led to the basin.

Aside from getting them enough sun, that is all I have had to do to get these plants to thrive!

What makes the Target self-watering planters special?

hand holding up a black half circle target self watering planter with a bright pink plant in front of a potting bench area

When I first handled the Target planters, I was taken aback by how light they were, just .12 lbs. If I’m being honest, I worried they might be cheap quality. Luckily, it didn’t take long for me to understand why being lightweight was a benefit to me.

After putting in soil, these self-watering planters were still easy to move around. I could carry them outside and back indoors without exerting myself. 💪

Plus, these polypropylene planters look as chic as the heavier and more expensive ceramic garden planters I bought my husband recently. I love their smooth, curved style that looks clean and modern, and these planters will add beauty to any home, patio, or windowsill.

All that said, I do have a few suggestions for improvement…

self watering planters from Target with plants in them

As I mentioned earlier, a few basic instructions or tips on how to use these self-watering pots would have been helpful. I also felt the reservoir portion of the planter was difficult to screw on and off. If I ever need to remove it, I’ll need a second set of hands to help.

Luckily, I can refill the water without ever removing the bottom saucer. I also loved the unique color options, but some selections were only available for certain-sized planters.

Nonetheless, they’re certainly not deal-breakers!

All in all, these popular Target self-watering planters are a total win in my book! 🙌  

smiling woman in a baseball cap and jacket holding a white plastic self watering planter from target with plants in it

Say goodbye to black thumbs! I have only re-watered my plants once upon potting them, and three weeks later, the soil is still wet to the touch. Meanwhile, my husband has been watering our outdoor plants daily.

Not to toot my own horn or anything 🎺🎵, but my self-watered plants look just as healthy and vibrant as our manually-watered ones. For this reason alone, I’m sold on these planters!

My Hip teammate, Chelsey, is a fan too!

“I have a few of these Target planters, and they are fantastic! I have them in white, and the plastic easily wipes clean if you get dirt on it. You don’t have to worry about setting a saucer on it because of the self-watering saucer on the bottom. These would be so cute to pair with a plant as a gift for your kiddo’s teacher!” – Chelsey

Better yet, they are an excellent value. They cost less than most value meals and make plant care a lot easier. If you head over to Target soon, you can capitalize on these affordable garden accessories. Talk about gardening on a budget! If you do pick some up, let us know what you think!

Happy planting!  🌱

Need a plant that is simple to care for? Check out our list of the easiest indoor plants!

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