Shokz takes up to 30% off as part of its Cyber Monday Sale. Plus, if you buy an OpenSwim Pro or OpenFit for $179.95 (reduced from $277.45), you'll get a refurbished OpenRun in Black for free. Save on the following items:
- OpenSwim Pro: Original Price: $179.95, Discounted Price: $159.95
- OpenFit: Original Price: $179.95, Discounted Price: $124.95
- OpenRun: Original Price: $129.95, Discounted Price: $89.95
- OpenFit Air: Original Price: $119.95, Discounted Price: $99.55
- OpenMove: Original Price: $79.95, Discounted Price: $54.55
- An additional 150 pairs will be released everyday until Dec 2. Limited to one per customer.