Pre-Order NEW Radio Flyer Amazon Delivery Van Ride-On Toy for Just $39.99 Shipped

5 months ago 43

This Radio Flyer Amazon Truck lets your little one deliver the deals!

Radio Flyer Amazon Delivery Van ride-on toy with Amazon boxes and toy cars

Pop over to Amazon where you can pre-order this new Radio Flyer Amazon Delivery Van Ride-On Toy for just $39.99 shipped! Note that it will not be shipped until it is released on November 7th.

Keep in mind that Amazon has a pre-order price guarantee! Order now and if the Amazon price decreases between your order time and the end of the day of the release date, you’ll receive the lowest price!

child sitting on floor next to a Radio Flyer Amazon Delivery Van ride-on toy

This cute little Amazon truck delivers the fun right to your home! It’s the perfect size for toddlers to scoot around indoors or outside and helps them learn to balance. It even comes with three miniature Amazon boxes and three wooden cars for delivery fun!

When they’re done playing, the cars and boxes are conveniently stored right under the seat to keep everything together.

Grab more fun toy deals over here!

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