Make Spray Painted Pumpkins as a DIY Halloween Decor Project

5 months ago 45

Gourds go glam with this DIY Halloween decor flip with spray painted pumpkins from the Dollar Tree!

table centerpiece with plastic pumpkins spray painted in gold

Excited for fall decorating? Try this easy pumpkin centerpiece Dollar Tree DIY! 🎃

I absolutely love decorating for all the different seasons, but it doesn’t always make sense to spend a ton of money on seasonal decor since I only use it for a couple of months out of the year.

If you feel the same, let’s grab some spray paint and transform a few inexpensive Dollar Tree plastic pumpkins into a chic DIY pumpkin centerpiece for your fall table! Painting pumpkins with spray paint is a really fun DIY Halloween decor project that will give those Dollar Tree pumpkins a shimmery makeover without breaking the bank!

dollar tree basket of diy halloween decor

To get started, I picked up some pumpkins and leaf garlands from Dollar Tree. I also grabbed two of those pumpkin candy pails from the thrift store for just 69¢ each (you can also buy the pumpkins and the leaf garlands on Amazon). You could also check out the assortment of pails at Dollar Tree too! My strategy was to spray paint all of the items the same color for a more uniform and stylish look – and I’m LOVING the results!

WARNING: Spray painting pumpkins is FUN and gets addicting, especially with this DIY Halloween decor project!

pumpkin baskets dollar tree

pumpkins with spray paint

diy spray-painted pumpkins

diy halloween decor spray painted gold pumpkins on table

Spray Painted Pumpkins Centerpiece


Supplies Needed

  • Any fall items from the Dollar Tree or thrift stores (plastic pumpkins and garland shown)
  • Metallic spray paint



Protect a well-ventilated area with paper, a drop cloth, or some type of covering you don’t mind getting paint on.


Spray paint pumpkins and garlands with the desired paint color. To avoid runny paint, make sure you’re not spraying too close to the object, and take your time to do a few thinner coats of paint, allowing it to dry in between each one.


Arrange the painted pieces in the center of a table or on a mantle for chic fall decor that only costs a couple of dollars to make. That’s it!

spray painted pumpkins for diy halloween decor

A couple of tips when spray painting pumpkins from Dollar Tree:

  • I love looking for bargains at dollar stores and thrift stores, too, but you can save even more money by using inexpensive fall decor that you already own. This is such a fun and easy way to update and re-purpose any old decor you’ve grown tired of seeing year after year!
  • If you want to take decorating to the next level, Dollar Tree sells an assortment of jewels that you can add to the sides as some of our readers have mentioned!

Spray Painted Pumpkins

No one will believe these Halloween decor pieces are Dollar Tree plastic pumpkins!

After the paint is dry, have fun arranging and stacking your pumpkins on a table. Fill the larger candy pails will plants or flowers if desired. The plants pictured above are just inexpensive greenery found at IKEA, and I use them every season!

I’m really enjoying my festive table, and I love the fact that it didn’t cost a ton of money. I hope you enjoy spray painting pumpkins and the results of this fun DIY, too!

Make my DIY Bubbling Witches Cauldron next!

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