Keurig K-Slim + ICED Coffee Maker Only $49 Shipped on (Reg. $126) | Includes K-Cups!

7 months ago 42

Make hot or iced coffee w/ this Keurig K-Slim Coffee Maker!

Keurig K Slim coffee maker

For a limited time, head to and grab this Keurig K-Slim + ICED Single-Serve Coffee Maker with an Iced Refreshers Strawberry Acai Flavor K-Cup Pods 10-count box for just $49 shipped (regularly $125.98) – valid online only!

blue Keurig single cup coffee maker next to a box of Strawberry Acai iced k-cup podsThe Keurig K-Slim Coffee Maker is perfect for smaller kitchens, dorm rooms, or even to take with you on vacation! It brews three cup sizes and makes both hot and cold brews. When brewing over ice, it will automatically adjust the brew temperature so that the flavor is extracted and then cool it down so that less ice melts – all in just two minutes!

Plus, you’ll receive a 10-count box of delicious Strawberry Acai Iced Refreshers K-Cup pods so you can enjoy your new Keurig right away!

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