Save on clean foods and drinks with this Urban Remedy coupon!
Through March 31st, head to, where they are offering a printable $10 off $25 coupon. You can find their meals, cold-pressed juices, and snacks in the Urban Remedy prepared foods fridge at participating grocery stores. Note that you must buy 2 items worth at least $25 to redeem this coupon.
You can also save $3 when you buy a salad and a beverage with this coupon.
Urban Remedy provides ready-to-eat food free from dairy, gluten, white sugar, white flour, and unhealthy oils. Find where Urban Remedy products are sold near you!
“Our Airbnb in CA was stocked with the Urban Remedy drinks (they’re also sold at Erewhon). They are the best pre-made juiced drinks I have ever had, but sooooo spendy, so I’d say that coupon is a great deal for anyone in the market.” – Hip Sidekick, Sara